Saturday 1 December 2012

TAOP - Assignment 3: A bend in the river...


I just reached a point where the river of my photographic studies flowed around a bend. From this new vantage point, I can now see how far and how wide this river flows on. I can perceive no end; I cannot detect the ocean beyond.

I recently downloaded 'Aperture' onto my MacBook and plunged right in to work on the Assignment 3 exercise of changing colour images into black and white. It was simple enough to do, but then came the issue of saving and storing the newly-created images... How to do this? After flitting around, I eventually settled on the 'help' tab. Yes, here is where I am meant to be, in this vast and slow-moving part of the great river.

Also, for some time now, I have been struggling to recall how to publish posts to specific pages on my Blogger Learning Blog

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