Tuesday 4 December 2012

Colour harmony through complementary colours

Orange and blue.

This was one of the first occasions in which I began to be aware of certain  requirements of Assignment 3, in an almost unconscious way. This shot was originally to used in the 'accent' section, but I stole it for this work on harmony through complementary colours. It was a random sighting: a leaf had fallen into  a plastic jug one day last summer, during a bar-b-q at my daughter's house. I like the way the orange glows red, adding to the sense of vibration between the leaf's colours and the surrounding blue. The circles in the base of the jug also lend something to the intensity of the image.

Orange and blue.

Another outing with orange and blue, this time courtesy of easyJet. I think I may have already included this image in one of the preparatory exercises, but I liked it so much that I couldn't resist the urge to use it again. It seems to be a photograph that shows not only the complementary colours, but also how an image based in everyday reality can be abstracted into forms of pure colour and shape.

Yellow and violet.

This is another example of being aware of what we are looking for - and seeing it before our eyes! However, a bit of me thinks this photograph is a bit of a 'cheat' as the yellow and the violet have already placed together by someone else. I'm just witnessing the work of another... But the colours are there, as is the added dimension of the green of the grass.

Red and green

I feel easier about this image. I suppose it's the fact that nature has been at work with the tomatoes and the grapes. They were near each other in our kitchen and I just experimented with placing them in the same space together. But on closer examination I can see that the tomato is out of focus and I would have preferred a brighter green to stand up to the strength of the red.

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