Monday 3 December 2012

Exercise: Colours into tones in black-and-white'

Colours into tones in black-and-white created from an original digital print and using the Apple editing package 'Aperture'

The original shot: four paint containers with the three primary colours and one secondary colour.

B/W version 1: neutral / filterless

Version 2: red filter

Version 3: yellow  filter

Version 4: green filter

Version 5: blue filter

This experience was quite a challenge but also quite a discovery. The challenge was getting the original photograph set up. I seemed easy to do, but getting the 'right' image was another matter. The discovery aspect involved actually buying the Aperture edition software, as I found iPhoto to be fairly limited when it came to changing filters and so on. 

before this exercise, I thought that transforming colours into tones in black-and-white was a simple matter... How much I had to learn, however!

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