This exercise brought back memories of exploring photography in school a few years ago. I was working with students with low self efficacy and was trying to change this with the power of positive self regard through portrait photography. I knew what I was hoping to achieve but only had a vague idea of how to achieve it. I had seen some photographs where a strong light lit the face from one side and the subject was placed against a dark background. I knew nothing of lighting angles, diffusers and a whole lot of stuff I have yet to learn. I was lacking in knowledge but was sincere in my aim of wanting to have those students see themselves in a better light.
This exercise has really started me learning, thinking and reflecting on the business of lighting a subject in a number of different ways and in a number of different moods.
When I look at these images, I am minded of all things 'theatre lighting' and the illusions such equipment tries to create. By the use of cropping and excluding external references to size and context, a child looking at these pictures could be persuaded of their veracity. And not just children...!
From the right. |
From the left. |
From the left at 45 degrees.
(Honestly, I have tried to place this image in the 'central' position, but it refuses to play along. I guess Blogger is trying to show me who is boss...!)
From the right |
From above. |
From in front. |
From the left at 45 degrees. |
From left at 45 degrees |
From in front at 45 degrees. |
From above at 45 degrees |
From above |
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