On my Kindle I am reading 'Photography: A Very Short Introduction' by Steve Edwards; '25 Lessons I have Learned About Photography...Life' by Lorenzo Dominguez; 'On Being a Photographer' by Bill Jay and David Hurn. They are all, in their turn, thought-provoking reads.
I am in contact with, in various ways, with other photographers / artists. These are:
- Leo who buys me editions of Reuters' 'Our World Now'
- Nicole, whose blog I read
- Jean, a photographer to whom I should reply and thank her for her kind text message!
- Tracey who is an artist and a stern mentor when I am being a lazy OCA student!
- Peter an ex-wedding photographer who seriously knows his stuff...
- Colin who is an extremely gifted amateur photographer
Photo shoots:
I was out and about in Northampton today, looking for images for the final oieces of Assignment 3. As it says in the guide, 'found' situations are not easy to come or manipulate. But having the parameters in mind sure makes you look harder at many things. I find myself taking photographs of anything that looks interesting, whether or not it is connected with the project in hand.
Onmy return, I took some shots of my grandson with his aunty's Cannon SLR, using film instead of digital. We shall see hoe these come out...
I am still in the process of geatting to know the Aperture programme on my MacBook. I finally gave in to actually reading the 'Help' guide...! And it sure does help!